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you n.0

a triptych

Two clowns, an aerialist, and a robot walk into a tent…

The first project of Ars Robotica, YOU n.0 is a circus meditation on the past, present, and future of human/robot relations.

             You n.0 Production Team:


Lead Artist                                           Lance Gharavi

Lead Roboticist                                   Sai Vemprala

Sound & Systems Designer               Stephen Christensen

Costume Designer                             Kelsey Christian Maryanne Kelleher

Production Manager                          Kara Chesser

Performers                                          Lauren Breunig

                                                             Baxter (a robot)

                                                             Brian Foley

                                                             Chelsea Pace


“We’ve been trying to teach it to dance.

Apparently, humans still do the robot better than actual robots.

A comforting irony.”

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